Detail of a 1st-century Roman copy of one of the statues of Athena sculpted by Myron and housed in the Parthenon. Madrid, Prado Museum. Photograph taken by the author I “I will not turn you into stones with snake-haired terror (schlangenhaarigem Schrecken): with my shield of beauty (Schild ,Schönheit‘) I protect myself.” Thus reads one…
Author: polymorph
Moons and Monads
Like being, time is said in many different ways. A day on Venus, for instance, lasts 243 Earth days, which means that, supposing one could see a full Moon from Venus (which is not possible, as when the Moon is full it is opposite to the Sun, while Venus is closer to it), supposing one…
In a Buddhist temple (with its elaborate architecture, the internal division of the enclosure into sections, etc.) the sacred is delimited by markedly human categories (Buddha of compassion, Buddha of wisdom, etc.), plus it is planned and organized. Conversely, a Shinto shrine (consisting of a small, red portico at the bend of a forest path,…
Picturing Thought’s Self-Reflection
Thought’s minimal gesture amounts to establishing distinctions against the background of a night in which, otherwise, all cows would be black (and not even discernible from their own shadows): a primordial chaos or, what amounts to the same, the undifferentiated unity of all things in which nothing is yet outlined. (Example of basic distinctions: everything…
Diagrams for AntiGONE
A diagram is not merely a way to illustrate something. It is rather the transformation of “content” into “form.” It therefore involves a recoding, e.g., the recoding of an idea in visual terms. The following diagrams attempt at diagramming Antigone’s rhythm, in particular the confrontation between Antigone and Creon and that between Tiresias and Creon,…
Fichte’s Structuralism
I In the introduction to his 1812 Wissenschaftslehre (WL), Fichte writes: […] Reality consists in the fact that our [noetic] seeing becomes invisible; here, conversely, it becomes visible.” “Hence,” he had formerly declared, “the difficulty of the WL: its task is to make visible what is commonly invisible to our consciousness – it thus sets…
Plato, the Real, and the Eidetic
For once, some class notes – which, from Aristotle’s writings to Fichte’s Wissenschaftslehre, Heidegger’s seminars or Deleuze’s lectures, do play a rather significant role in the history of philosophy. —— §1. Consider the following diagram: The A-circle (which is divided in two halves: A1 and A2) represents what we know. The domain of what…
Deleuze, Plato, and Zeno
I In the opening pages of The Logic of Sense, Deleuze writes: “Alice and Through the Looking-Glass involve a very special kind of things: events, pure events.” Plus, he proposes the following example: “When I say ‘Alice becomes larger,’ I mean that she becomes larger than she was” but also “smaller than she is now,”…
Rethinking Dionysus and Apollo
Our book, Dionysus and Apollo after Nihilism: Rethinking the Earth–World Divide (Leiden and Boston: Brill), is now in press. It is scheduled for release on April 26, 2023. We began to work on this book just a few months after lunching; thus book and blog have run parallel to one another, and grown together,…
Metaphysics in disguise: Another look at Speculative Realism and New Materialism
I Marx once famously wrote that a spectre was haunting Europe: the spectre of communism. It can be affirmed that, today, a very different spectre, coming from northern Europe, haunts contemporary thought – and that, along the way, it has encountered another, older ghost – and that, together, like Typhon and Echidna, they have brought…